PySINDy: A comprehensive Python package for robust sparse system identification
PySINDy is a sparse regression package with several implementations for the Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamical systems (SINDy) method for the data-driven discovery of governing equations. The newest Journal of Open Science (JOSS) paper can be found here.
SIMSOPT: A flexible framework for stellarator optimization
SIMSOPT is a collection of software for carrying out stellarator optimizations (stellarators are a candidate for future nuclear fusion reactors). The newest Journal of Open Science (JOSS) paper can be found here.
Both codes are large collaborative efforts with many other researchers.
C. Oishi, A. Kaptanoglu, J.N. Kutz, S. Brunton. (2023). arXiv:2308.04405.
A. Kaptanoglu, G. Langlois, M. Landreman. (2023). arXiv:2306.12555.
A. Kaptanoglu, C. Hansen, J. Lore, M. Landreman, and S. Brunton. Physics of Plasmas (2023). Selected as an Editor’s Suggestion paper.
A. Kaptanoglu, L. Zhang, Z. Nicolaou, U. Fasel, S. Brunton. (2023). arXiv:2302.10787.
J. Lore, S. Pascuale, P. Laiu, B. Russo, J.-S. Park, J.M. Park, S. Brunton, J.N. Kutz, A. Kaptanoglu. Nuclear Fusion (2023).
A. Kaptanoglu, R. Conlin, and M. Landreman. Nuclear Fusion (2023). arXiv:2208.10620. code repository.
A. Kaptanoglu, T. Qian, F. Wechsung, and M. Landreman. Physical Review Applied (2022). Selected as an Editor’s Suggestion paper. arXiv:2207.08984. code repository
A. Kaptanoglu, B. de Silva, U. Fasel, K. Kaheman, A. Goldschmidt, J. Callaham, C. Delahunt, Z. Nicolaou, K. Champion, J.C. Loiseau, and J.N. Kutz. Journal of Open Source Software (2022). code repository
A. Kaptanoglu, A. Jalalvand, A. Garcia, M. Austin, G. Verdoolaege, J. Schneider, C. Hansen, S. Brunton, W. Heidbrink, E. Kolemen. Nuclear Fusion (2022).
M. Fenstermacher, J. Abbate, S. Abe, T. Abrams, …, A. Kaptanoglu, et al. Nuclear Fusion (2022).
A. Kaptanoglu, J. Callaham, A. Aravkin, C. Hansen, and S. Brunton. Phys. Rev. Fluids (2021). Selected as an Editor’s Suggestion paper. PySINDy code repository
A. Kaptanoglu, K. Morgan, C. Hansen, and S. Brunton. Physical Review E (2021). PySINDy code repository and original code repository
A. Jalalvand, A. Kaptanoglu, A. Garcia, A. Nelson, J. Abbate, M. Austin, G. Verdoolaege, S. Brunton, W. Heidbrink, E. Kolemen. Nuclear Fusion (2021).
A. Kaptanoglu, K. Morgan, C. Hansen, and S. Brunton. Physics of Plasmas (2020). arXiv:2102.03024. code repository
A. Kaptanoglu, T. Benedett, K. Morgan, C. Hansen, and T. Jarboe. Physics of Plasmas (2020).
J. Brooks, M. McDonald, and A. Kaptanoglu (2021). arXiv:2205.14207.
code repository
A. Kaptanoglu, K. Morgan, C. Hansen, and S. Brunton (2021). arXiv:2101.03436
A. Kaptanoglu, S. Prager. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (2022).
S. Prager, A. Kaptanoglu. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (2022).